Me in the Middle

I have always loved talking about my childhood, when things were much simpler and no one was responsible for anything. When we were little, we had this silly game (amongst many others) we called 'Me in the Middle'. We were five and it was such a great honour to be in the middle that we literally fought for it. Now, I can't even remember what was so significant about that, about being in the middle. It even came with a song! (Welcome to my big crazy happy family.)

Now we are all much older and the pure unadulterated joy we used to get from such senseless games has been reduced to a mere memory. Now, the middle is no longer a position one should find himself in. Do you know what it means to take a side? It means you know what you really want. The syndrome of indecision happens to be one of the most annoying ones and the most rampant in the political world. Everyone wants to join the winning team(where ever it is). The terms 'camp' and 'decamp' become new mantra. How that irritates me!

The indecision I speak of is not one about merely picking the dress you want to wear or what you would like to have for dinner(I'm terrible at making such decisions). I speak of good or evil; right or wrong; man A or woman B. I speak of taking a real side and proclaiming it publicly. To be very honest, a man who sits on the fence is worse that one that takes the wrong side. Neutrality is not a bad idea as long as you remain that way until you have decided, but hiding under such an umbrella while lying through your teeth that you support both sides is like putting yourself on a stake and hoping that the fire does not burn you. PICK A SIDE! Remember, nobody forgets a traitor.

Before you pick that side, ensure that the true reasons behind the choice are not empty and baseless. Some choices are made based on sentiment-he is from my place; she attends my fellowship; we club together. Nothing is wrong with that, but that should only come in when you are completely unaware of the other parties' lifestyle and principles and you have asked. Be sure that your choice is the better choice and not the familiar one. Be sure to put the fate of your team, class, association, company...etc into the hands of one that is capable.
In case you have not heard, power can either beat iron into gold or burn it to coal. Yes, your vote is your right, but please do not bother if you are not going to take a decision like an adult.

PS: I just remembered the benefit of being in the middle as a child. You escape the chore of opening or locking the door.(I know! It seemed like such a huge chore then.)


  1. OMG!!! I never knew you had such great writing skills.... I literally read ever single line.
    Great blogpost, see you at the top!

  2. I have picked the "Rita side"!...
    Sorry I wanted my comment to be smart, onto the next!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. By implication, being in the middle is no longer fashionable? Does picking sides applicable to all facets of life?

  5. By implication, being in the middle is no longer fashionable? Does picking sides applicable to all facets of life?


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