The Birthday Inventory
So this birthday has finally come and gone. Since 2013, I have gone out for every birthday except yesterday's and I can tell you honestly that it was the best birthday I had had in a while; running very closely with the one where I got a full body massage (shout to my girl!). Someone is going to wonder what was so special about yesterday. Well, let me tell you. It was just perfect. It started off on a strange i-am-getting-old foot where I was thinking of all that I had not achieved and what I should have been. Then, I went to church and it got worse with sadder thoughts invading my mind. On my way back, I turned on my phone to seek solitude. Firstly, I had a trailer load of messages (on days like that, you realise that people are ready to stay awake for you and to me, that is really amazing). Then came this video that was so funny that I might have shed a tear or two. Then I got a call from my aunty who gathered her three children to sing to me. After that, the smile became en...