Humility: Who e epp?

Recently, with all the bragging and display of wealth that I had seen on social media, I was forced to ask who humility has really helped. Today we had this great talk on humility and we were given clear-cut reasons to be humble. Here are the ones I could jot down.

1.  We are not as important as we think we are.
Some of us think that we are the definition of perfection. Because we have a few zeros in our banks or we hold positions that are supposed to be prestigious, we believe we run the matters of the world. Here is the truth we don't want to accept.  WE ARE NOT AS IMPORTANT AS WE THINK. We might have parents who have 'made' presidents or who are presidents themselves. We might be able to fly from Lagos to Texas and Paris just to take care of a headache. The case might even be that we believe we are the holiest of the pack; always grinding for Christ and never letting the world forget. We should know that there is always someone who has more money or more prestige or more grace than we do. The Good Book has said the strands of  hair on our heads have been counted. In case that is what drives you to believe that you are very important, please think again. Any one (and I mean absolutely anyone) can pick that passage and personify it. Sorry to burst your bubble.
2. We did not bring ourselves into existence.
Nothing we have on this earth is really our own. No matter how hard we have worked, we should know that we were brought into this world by God. We were given opportunities by Him. We should therefore never forget that while we flaunt our wealth or throw our positions in people's faces, the God I serve can lift anyone up. He can also take it all back whenever he deems it fit. Look at Job who was even humble. God was still able to take from him.
3. The world will move on without you.
Coincidentally, today I was thinking of how Obama the rockstar had suddenly become inconsequential; a man who used to be the leader of the free world, a man whose decisions had once defined the world. Now he is just ordinary. What of Hilary Clinton for whom so many protested after the US president had emerged? Nobody talks about her anymore. And it has barely been a year! Sometimes, we believe we are indispensable. We might even be so at the moment. Unfortunately, when we move or step down or pass on, we will realise that the world can do without us. Sometimes, the world does better, sometimes worse. It does not matter. The point is that once our time passes, we will become a distant memory and the world will move on. (Yes, we live in a  terrible world that seems to suffer from amnesia.)
4. The alternative is too stressful (this one is mine).
  What is the alternative? Pride. A proud person has to 'keep up'- wear the right clothes, cut/fix the hair in vogue,  spend the right amount of money in public, give the highest amount in church, etc. The worst is that a proud person can't discuss his problems. Not just because people are waiting to see him fall (he probably has a fullblown hate team) but because he has no one to share such with. He surrounds himself with a fan club that is not interested in his setbacks. There is nothing worse than not having people to discuss your issues with. Whether youre ready to share or not, it helps to know that someone will be there to listen.

I've been told that I talk too much, so I will stop here. I just want to say that humility is not giving up your clothes to the poor and putting on rags. It is not neglecting the way you look or making a conscious effort to be scruffy. That is lowliness and it has no religious attachment. Humility is knowing the things/people that matter and treating them accordingly. It is doing your job to the best of your ability not because people are watching, but because it is required of you. Humility is taking care of your family and keeping it away from social media. Humility is the definition of one that can/has attained great heights but still remains accessible to the littlest of persons. Never forget that a rich man today can be a pauper tomorrow.  Money is so difficult to make but very easy to lose. Therefore, it is necessary that we do things that will still make us acceptable in the society when we are no longer as wealthy/important/beautiful as we are today. As the Good Book says(Proverbs 11:2), pride comes before a fall.

Bible Verses:
Ephesians 4:2
Philippians 2:3
Proverbs 11:2
Romans 12:16
James 4:10


  1. Life is meaningless. Everything is vanity. Humility is a priced virtue. No wonder God detest the proud, and gives grace to the meek. Yes.Humility, helps. Thank you, Rita.


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