Every Girl's Dream
I long to be different
I yearn to matter
To be much more than a pretty face
Or a trophy at the end of the Chase
I'd hate to be anyone's prize
To be gifted as a fool's entitlement
My mouth is made to bring about a legacy
And not to send a man to the peak of ecstasy
I've always hated the spotlight
Never been good with cameras
But my name, I will kill to uphold
For one's reputation means more than gold
Still I dream to be that woman
Without whom he can do nothing
With my body, I will drive him over a cliff
And my heart in hard times will bring relief
I yearn to matter
To be much more than a pretty face
Or a trophy at the end of the Chase
I'd hate to be anyone's prize
To be gifted as a fool's entitlement
My mouth is made to bring about a legacy
And not to send a man to the peak of ecstasy
I've always hated the spotlight
Never been good with cameras
But my name, I will kill to uphold
For one's reputation means more than gold
Still I dream to be that woman
Without whom he can do nothing
With my body, I will drive him over a cliff
And my heart in hard times will bring relief
(You know how poetry is not really my thing, but 😆😆)
Coming soon is #diaryofawhitecoatwannabe. It's going to be the uncensored version of a medical student's experience in a hospital and how she (me obviously) faces death and life and everything inbetween.
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